Buy, sell or lease an orchard

Whether you’re saying hello or waving goodbye to Zespri, we need to know, so we can make sure there is no disruption to your kiwifruit supply business. We want to make the transition of acquiring or transferring an orchard as smooth as possible, so we need to make sure everyone’s records are up to date.

Why is it important to talk to us?

When an orchard changes hands (land title changes), the connection and relationship with us is not automatically updated. Ownership transfers can affect:

  • Grower payments 

  • Communication assignments

  • Post harvest and industry connections 

  • Shareholding and voting entitlement

  • Licence transfers  

  • Having your say on the future of the business and industry.

Updating your details

Zespri relies on growers updating us whenever their details change because we want to stay connected and don’t want you missing out on any important updates or correspondence. 

You can check your details are correct by logging onto the Industry Portal 24 hours, 7 days a week or alternatively we have a team ready to take your call or receive your email.  Drop us a line to or give the Grower Support Services team a call on 0800 155 355.

Industry portal


We want to make sure your business isn’t impacted because your details aren’t up to date, so we encourage you to seek professional advice from a solicitor and accountant prior to signing a Sale and Purchase Agreement. When licence or shares are involved with your property transaction additional steps are required which increases the importance of keeping these details updated and there may be some additional parties that you need to make contact with.

Growers on Orchard


Your unique Kiwifruit Property Identification Number (KPIN)

When you buy an orchard, you’ll receive a unique KPIN number that is specific to the parcel of land on which the kiwifruit is grown. This number follows your fruit around wherever it goes, so it’s a crucial link between your business and ours. It allows your fruit to get packed, shipped and enjoyed all over the world. 


When orchards change hands, the same unique KPIN number changes hands too. Don’t worry, registering or transferring your KPIN is straightforward. Just fill in and submit a KPIN registration form and we’ll take it from there. 

Applying for a new KPIN 

If you are developing a parcel of land that is being used for growing Kiwifruit, you’ll need to apply for a new KPIN. To get the ball rolling we’ll need:


  • A Record of Title with the name of the owners

  • A Historical Title with the settlement date 

  • If the property will be owned in a trust, a copy of the relevant pages from the Trust Deed with the full name of the trust and all trustees

  • KPIN registration form (gives us specific information about your orchard operations) 

  • Grower registration form (gives us specific information about you as an owner and your individual contact and communications preferences). 

What paperwork do we need for a change of ownership?

When you buy or transfer ownership of an orchard, these documents need to be supplied to us so we can register your business:


  • A Record of Title with the name of the new owners showing on the title
  • A Historical Title with the settlement date
  • If the property will be owned in a trust, a copy of the relevant pages from the Trust Deed with the full name of the trust and all trustees
  • KPIN Registration Form (found in the resources below)  
  • Grower Registration Form (found in the resources below)
  • If shares are being transferred with the purchase, an off-market ZGL share transfer form that is signed by both vendor and purchaser
  • If the sale includes a licence, please supply a licence transfer form that is signed by both the vendor and purchaser. Click on the button to take you to the Selling Licence page where you can find a licence transfer form.


What happens next?

Once we have all the paperwork required to connect your property we will:


  • Assign a Grower Relations Manager (GRM), your day-to-day Zespri contact  

  • Send you a confirmation letter

  • Confirm licence transactions (if included in property transaction) 

  • Confirm shares transactions (if included in property transaction)

  • Provide you with your Canopy access - our knowledge portal for the New Kealand Kiwifruit industry.   

Leasing an Orchard

First and foremost, we’d like to know who the lessee is so we can identify who will become the entity supplying the crop to Zespri and to make sure we can connect with the right person regarding orchard activities. Plus, we’d like to know if you’re eligible to purchase Zespri shares. That means we need to see:

  • A lease document or lease agreement

  • A Zespri lease declaration (if you want to purchase Zespri Group Limited Shares (ZGL)

As per the constitution, if you want to purchase Zespri shares as a lessee then the Zespri lease declaration must be signed by a solicitor.