Working with contractors

Contractors play a vital role on every orchard to help get our product to market. 

As part of their job they move from orchard to orchard to take on work, but that poses a potential risk to your fruit so we must ensure they’ve taken precautions and are certified to work.

Two types of contractors you might use.

CAV contractors (GAP)

These contractors will be registered in the Zespri GLOBALG.A.P. Contractor Programme and have been issued a Compliance Assessment Verification (CAV). This gives them the certification they need to perform various tasks on the orchard. These include:

  • Harvest (picking)
  • Spray application (including weed spraying under the vine)
  • Fertiliser application (including compost)
  • Vine maintenance (including all kinds of pruning and thinning).

For more information visit CAV contractors (GAP).

Make sure you only use approved contractors for these on-orchard activities. 

If your CAV contractor employs workers, you must ensure GRASP is included in their CAV scope.

Check the approved contractor list, and you can also reference the suspended and cancelled contractor list to ensure you meet your GAP and GRASP requirements. 

Example of overhead shelter for protection
Other contractors

The second group of contractors falls outside the scope of the GLOBALG.A.P. Contractor Programme and does not require a Compliance Assessment Verification (CAV). This restricts the jobs they can carry out, but there are still lots of tasks you can employ them to do, such as:

  • Grafting
  • Girdling
  • Supply of beehives
  • Pollen application
  • Mowing and mulching
  • Shelter maintenance
  • Repair and maintenance of orchard structures
  • Pest monitoring
  • Crop estimation
  • Maturity clearance
  • Mapping
  • Irrigation
  • Infrastructure development.

In order to comply with your GLOBALG.A.P. commitments and ensure the safety and integrity of the crop, we need to collect specific paperwork from these contractors that demonstrates they’re maintaining our high standards.


Find out more information on the other contractors page, including what documentation they need to supply to you.

Verify a contractor’s CAV

It is important to cross-check any CAV certificate a contractor shows you, so that you’re sure it is valid. You can do this by cross-checking the CAV against the approved contractor list.


Cross-checking CAVs against the official list is the best way to ensure that any contractor you are engaging to provide services that require a CAV is currently meeting their GAP and GRASP responsibilities.


If a contractor presents a CAV certificate but does not appear on the list, please notify


It’s important to keep copies of the CAVs from each contractor and subcontractors who work on your orchard so you can demonstrate compliance when it comes time for your inspection.